Ishbel Fleming-Boyd Art
Ishbel is a Scottish Artist in South West London.
She studied Botanical Art and Interior Design at the Society of the Botanical Artists, London Art College, Chelsea School of Botanical Art, Kew Gardens, private Courses with some of the finest artists in the Botanical field in the UK and the Netherlands.
Palladio Academy, Inchbald school Design, Heatherleys School of Fine Art.
Producing delicate and beautiful artwork, in Watercolour, Graphite, Pen and Ink, she is able to make her work scientifically correct to the exact colour, size and detail as she works from living, moving subjects, presenting her with a wonderfully intriguing challenge.
Ishbel has recently started expanding her love for art, allowing her to explore different styles like abstract work using coloured inks, acrylics on canvas, based on the theme of plants, and photography.
If you would like to get in contact with Ishbel about a commissioned piece you can get in touch using the information below.
©All Artworks Copyright Ishbel Fleming-Boyd
2022 - Association of Botanical Artists (ABA).
2018 - Royal Watercolour Society (RWS), Bankside Gallery, London.
2017 - Society of Botanical Artists (SBA), Westminster Hall, London.
2017-2018 - ‘Botanische Kunst, Fruit in Beeld’ Fruitteeltmuseum Kapelle, Netherlands The Dutch Society of Botanical Artist (VBKN).
2016 - Anniversary exhibition “Bolbloemen onder de loep” Museum de Zwarte Tulp, Lisse, Netherlands - The Dutch Society of Botanical Artists (VBKN), Spring & Summer Bulbs
2015 - 2016 - One Woman Show of Botanical Art, Mary K Hotel, Utrecht, Netherlands
2015 - “Bloemrijk, botanische tekeningen en aquarellen”
Medici Gallery, Mayfair, London - Mixed show.
Royal Horticultural Society London - RHS Show

Portfolio of Artwork

Ishbel Fleming-Boyd
Please get in touch for more information about Ishbel Fleming-Boyd Art, to discuss possible commissions, collaborations, or for any media inquiries.
Wimbledon Art Studios,
10 Riverside Yard,
Riverside Road,
SW17 0BB